The cREeative Realm
The cREative Realm is a vision for introducing artistic interventions into Transportation Infrastructure Reconstruction projects.
The interventions are creative opportunities to:
Engage the businesses and the communities;
Attract attention and public attendance to the area during the reconstruction period;
Create a positive reframing of what is often seen as a challenging period of time.
Project Details
The Pilot Project for the cREative Realm vision was underway during the reconstruction of Calgary’s 17th Ave SW. from Macleod Tr. to 14 Street. SW. that occurred between spring 2017 - fall 2019.
The cREative Realm contracted artists who conducted short term, temporary and site specific art projects that engaged the unique communities that touch on the 17th avenue corridor.
The overall framework for developing projects for the cREative Realm is one that is based upon adaptability. Individual projects need to respond to construction processes and scheduling. Artists/artist teams worked in a “block-by-block” manner, responding to the unique conditions of construction and the characteristics of each block along the 17th Ave corridor.
Individual artist/artist team projects activated the blocks of 17th Ave as the construction season progressed. The projects were varied; the artists diverse; and the cREative Realm helped to realize community excitement through new artwork and public engagement.
Each artist/artist team brought forth their vision, working to support businesses by realizing creative projects within the scope of their own artistic practice
Download the Vision Document and Plan Document for the cREative Realm.
Lead Artist
daniel j kirk
The Artists - Project
Joanne MacDonald - Unlock
Lane Shordee & Nikki Martens - General Store
Rebecca Reid, Ryan Bourne and Randi-Lee Ross - Kaleidoscope Eyes
Ashley Bedet - Between Play
Asma Digital - Bubble Pop Park & Pixel Pop
Laura Hosaluk annd Michael Hosaluk - Connect
Laura Reid, Mark Limacher, and Matt Knapik - 200 Stories
Tyla Cosgrove - Shelter for What Remains featuring artists: Kate Husted, Kristine Zingeler, Lane Shordee, Nikki Martens, Chantal Lafond, Joseph Brocke, Peter Freeman and Kai Owens. Also including The Oak Tree Session Players, Robby Banks, Al Urlacher Photography, Wolf WIllow Studio, Grasslands Flower Co. & Small Flower Studio, and Layden’s Funeral Home
Six Degrees Music and Sound - Stories from the Block
daniel j kirk - 17th ave murals & collaborations
The Collaborators
Ramin Eshraghi-Yazdi - Videographer
Brendan Kane - Videographer
Chad Tweten - Videographer
Commissioned by
The City of Calgary
cREative Realm 2017- Season 1 Overview
cREative Realm 2018- Season 2 Overview